Rebecca has lived in Haworth with her husband, Karl and their two children for over 20 years. Back in 2010 she decided to stand as a Worth Valley Councillor to represent the area she loved and was successfully elected in 2011. She was subsequently re-elected in 2015, 2019 and is delighted to have been selected to stand again in 2023.
Rebecca has always focused on getting things done in the Worth Valley and being a visible presence across the area speaking up for the Worth Valley and representing local residents. She has a strong record of delivering with her successful campaigns to keep Sugden End tip open, getting a new bus route set up between Keighley and Halifax via Cross Roads, stopping development on some of the local green belt sites such a Goose Cote Lane, working tirelessly with the local police to crack down on pockets of anti-social behaviour, improving road safety across the Worth Valley and working with local groups on numerous projects.
Rebecca is currently the Leader of the Conservative Group on Bradford Metropolitan District Council, a member of the Local Government Association Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, sits of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Board and is a member of Bronte Academy Trust and Nell Bank Outdoor Education Centre as well as being a trustee on a number of local trusts.